The ICMCI CMCs and management consultants gather for the 36th time in Amman -Jordan
10/11/2023 - 11:45Amman, October, 11, 2023 The members of the management consulting associations from 47 national institutes and cover more than 70 counties will gather in Amman, Jordan from October 11 - 13, 2023. Participants will for the 36th time hold the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) Annual Meeting and the 10th International CMC Conference, which...
Extension of registration deadline
09/14/2023 - 16:29Extension of registration deadline: Book your seat at the ICMCI Annual Events ICMCI are glad to announce extending the registration period till end of this month due to requests from those who require an entry visa to Jordan. This gives the opportunity to all our community to benefit from this extension, therefore now you can book your seat before the registration...
Chair Update & Open Discussion
09/14/2023 - 14:39Chairs, Officers, Board Directors, Delegates, and Executive Directors of all Institutes are invited to register for the Chair update session taking place on Thursday 28 September 2023. We are looking forward to our continued collaboration, registration for attendance is required and the links are as follows: 1st Session @ 08:00 UTC: https://us02web.zoom.us/j...
IMC USA’s Consult-Con 2023
08/30/2023 - 17:41Consult-Con is the premier management consulting event of the year, assembling attendees from across the USA and around the globe. This annual meeting features dynamic speakers, insightful educational sessions, and ample networking opportunities. Learn more about past years’ event and what experienced management consultants have to say about their Consult-Con experience....
Aleksandra Hristov is appointed a member of the Board
08/14/2023 - 12:52Aleksandra Hristov is appointed a member of the Board of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) The International Council of the Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland has unanimously decided to appoint Ms. Aleksandra Hristov, (currently the President of the Management Board of the Association of Management Consultants...
TAKE 2023
07/06/2023 - 10:02TAKE 2023 – A report of the organizer, Prof. Eduardo Tomé and the ICMCI Academic Fellows, Dr. Ilse Ennsfellner and Dr. Alvin Oh TAKE 2023 was a gathering of academics and other professions to discuss current topics to improve science, the economy and society. Contributions on Ethics and Sustainability in management consulting were given by ICMCI Academic Fellows....
04/17/2023 - 10:55Dear IMCs, Dear CMCs, Dear Academic Fellows, ICMCI is holding its 10th CMC International Conference in Amman, Jordan on 12-13 October 2023! As your Chair, I invite you to share this call for speakers with your CMC members and Academic Fellows to submit a proposal to share their expertise and insights with those attending the conference. And, if you can...
NCI 2022 Edition
02/07/2023 - 10:40Introduction The International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) National Consulting Index (NCI) project was initiated in 2017. The project aims to identify the key conditions which help explain the relative strength of a country’s management consulting sector, and use these data to...
Management Consultancy in 2023: Time travel into the future – reflections from voyage 2, Americas
01/23/2023 - 14:53In an attempt to get a view of management consultancy ten years from now, on 4 November 2022 future leaders from around the world gathered for special online discussions as part of the ICMCI Future of Management Consultancy initiative. Jana Buchanan moderated the session with panellists from the Americas drawing attention to some of the trends at interplay in shaping the future of...
Management Consultancy in 2032: Time travel into the future – reflections from voyage 1, Asia and Europe
01/23/2023 - 14:13Striving to get a glimpse of the future and, in particular, management consultancy ten years from now, on 4 November 2022 future leaders from around the world gathered for two special online discussions as part of the ICMCI Future of Management Consultancy initiative. Cassandra Corbet moderated the session and emphasised from the start that understanding what consulting would look...