Mourning the Loss of Don Scellato
06/21/2017 - 13:29Mourning the Loss of Don Scellato CMC®, FIMC We are saddened to inform you of the passing of Don Scellato CMC®, FIMC on May 18, 2017. Don, who was recently lined up for nomination in serving the ICMCI Professional Standards Committee, influenced ICMCI through his work with IMC USA on: The initial CMC Firm concept, by developing assessment...
ISO 20700: Guidelines for Management Consultancy Services
06/20/2017 - 15:21Dear Management Consultants and CMCs, It is our pleasure to announce that the ISO 20700: Guidelines for management consultancy services was published on 1 June 2017, after a three-year development project led by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI). Please find HEREWITH a press release prepared for your use as IMCs and Management Consultants....
International Consultants Day 2017
05/30/2017 - 17:47Dear Friends from the Management Consultants’ World, It is already a tradition to celebrate the International Consultants Day on the first Thursday of June, which this year is also the first day of the month. The challenges of today, being either economic, technological, social, political or environmental, shows once again the need of strong and ethical...
5th CMC International Conference: Bridging Minds
05/29/2017 - 11:56Dear Members, Delegates, Chairs, Executives, Consultants, and CMCs CMC Kazakhstan is pleased to invite you to the 2017 ICMCI Annual Meeting of Delegates and 5th CMC International Conference in Astana, Kazakhstan, September 4-7. By attending you will participate in a unique event held in the heart of Eurasia, which will feature exciting content and great networking...
Key Learnings: CMC-Global Conference 2016 Webinar
03/28/2017 - 12:12A webinar recapping the CMC-Global Conference can be viewed here for a terrific summary of the key learnings from the event.
CMCs - A Higher Level of Management Consulting
03/16/2017 - 15:57Dear IMCs and CMCs, The following video (CMCs - A Higher Level of Management Consulting) was prepared by CMC-Canada during our Annual Meeting of Delegates and CMC International Conference in Toronto - Canada 2016.
Asia Pacific Hub Meeting and Conference Website - 2017
02/21/2017 - 14:07Dear Members, This is to announce the launch of the Asia Pacific 2017 Hub Meeting and Conference Website. The Meeting will be held in Singapore between 5-6 May, 2017. The website includes information related to Agenda, Activities, Accomodation, Registration...etc. Please visit http://imcsasiapac2017.com/ for details. See you in Singapore!
Representation to the UN
12/02/2016 - 16:10ICMCI has been trying over the past years to increase its communication with the UN to further establish its positioning as a UN NGO Consultative Status entity. We have re-established the connection last year, are providing our quadrennial reports on time, contributing to the SDGs with extra material, and want to enhance this even further in the future. To this extent, the...
ICMCI Strategy 2016 - 2018
11/25/2016 - 14:08Dear Members, The following is the video that summarizes the CMC-Global (ICMCI) strategy for 2016 - 2018, to cover our vision, objectives, and KPIs. Video can be viewed by clicking HERE
CMC-Global Conference - October 19-20, 2016
08/11/2016 - 15:59The CMC-Global Conference is coming to Toronto this fall, a highlight of Management Consulting Week 2016! Join us...