The profession of management consulting is focused on adding value to our client organizations. Whatever the specialty, the intent is to help clients ensure that their organizations can be more successful. This has positive social and economic impacts which help with the sustainable growth. This happens at the micro level with more effective organizations generating more profit which can be reinvested. The combination of these micro impacts can help to drive the economic growth of the country.
On the other hand, the success of the management consulting industry in a country is dependant on many factors in that country. These factors could be thought of as indicating the readiness of a country for the profession of management consulting. This relationship has not been understood until recently.
As a global organization, charged with the advancement of the management consulting profession globally, this is important information to have and we can be proud to announce this first edition of the ICMCI National Consulting Index (NCI) Global Report.
Why have we done that
The ICMCI National Consulting Index assesses the stage of development of a country’s management consulting sector by the analysis of several indicators. The correlations of the indicators are set up by our Academic Fellows and published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The NCI is published on a yearly basis in June (connected with the International Consultant Day). IMCs are kindly invited to use the NCI as tool to promote Management Consulting in their country. The strength and the weakness of the market will be shown in the NCI and can be used to approach politicians for advocacy purposes, client organizations, chambers of the different industries, or other stakeholders. ICMCI will advise the IMCs individually how to interpret the figures of the NCI with regards to their specific weaknesses and strengths in the management consulting market.
This is a great tool to help IMCs show the importance of Management Consultancy services generally, and especially so in the upcoming phase of restarting economies.
The full NCI Global Report: ICMCI NCI - Global Report - June 2020
The PowerPoint Presentation: ICMCI NCI - Global Report - Launch Presentation