Having your firm join the CMC-Global Network as a CMC-Firm will put you in the company of a select group of regional firms looking to expand their ability to serve their clients outside their current region. Your expansion could occur by growing your own business or perhaps creating an alliance or partnership with another CMC-Firm in the new geographic area of expansion.
As a CMC Firm, you can expect the following benefits:
- Become approved, then use the CMC-Firm branding elements on your firm’s own marketing materials/channels – enhancing your competitiveness and distinction in the marketplace.
- Join a facilitated network of other high quality, approved firms, become engaged, share your insights, questions, and potentially leverage each other’s talent to expand your capacity to serve your clients’ needs beyond your current geographic operations.
- Be a part and have access to the global directory of CMC-Firms and have input into our global promotional strategies.
- Attend CMC-Global Annual International CMC Conference, with unique sessions
- Reinforce ethical standards and code of conduct to you clients.
- Reinforce your firm’s status and reach vis-à-vis major international firms.
The CMC-Firm Brochure can be downloaded by clicking on below image
Appraisal Criteria
The appraisal OF YOUR Firm will address the following areas:
Commitment of the Firm to a professional code of conduct
- The CMC Code of Ethics/ Professional Conduct in place and adherence to the Code is supported by the Firm’s Management and is committed to by all its consultants
- Training is in place for management and consultants to learn how to deal with ethical and conduct issues
Code of Ethics/ Professional Conduct content
- Serve clients with integrity, competence, independence, objectivity and professionalism
- Mutually establish with clients, realistic expectations
- Accept assignments for which consultant possesses the requisite experience and competence to perform
- Ensure before accepting any engagement, that you have worked with clients to establish a mutual understanding of the objectives, scope, work plan, and fee arrangements
- Treat confidentially all client information that is not public knowledge
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Offer to withdraw from a consulting assignment when consultant’s objectivity or integrity may be impaired
Considerations in selection and hiring
- Degree or equivalent experience in areas of specialty, trade or industry of intended client
- Training or experience in core consulting skills or competencies
- Training or experience in professional skills and behaviors for consultants
- Professional misconduct
- Use of consultant performance evaluations and reporting by clients
- Use of interviews in reaching decisions regarding promotions to senior consulting positions
Commitment of the firm to the core competencies, skills and tools of consulting
- Evidence of the firm’s use of information about new hires and candidates for promotion reflecting their mastery of the core competencies and skills
- Evidence of the firm’s measures to provide or support training in the core competencies and skills
- Evidence of certification proving candidate’s completion of training
Supervision, mentoring and providing feedback to consultants
- Description of any formal mentoring programs in place for consultants
- Commitment to clear understanding of responsibilities and goals for supervisory and management personnel dealing with consulting engagements
- Commitment to provide feedback that enables professional growth of personnel involved in the execution of client engagements.
For more information on how to apply or to get started please visit:
Contact Us at: reema.nasser@cmc-global.org