Building a trusted community of professional colleagues around the world
ICMCI Board Update

CMC- Global Board Chair attends UN Conference of NGO’s
Recently our Board Chair, Sorin Caian attended the CoNGO (The Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations) 70th Anniversary Event in Vienna on the 12th of October. The new Sustainable Development goals of the UN were top of the agenda… 

CMC Toolkit

Managing in Developing Countries

A new book by Betty Jane Punnett, CMC Fellow

This book considers management theories and approaches specifically in the context of developing countries.

The Chief HR Officer – Defining the New Role of Human Resources Leaders.

“This is a definitive guide for human resources leaders who are at the frontlines of competitiveness for their organizations." —David A. Rodriguez, executive vice president and chief human resources officer, Marriott International.

Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity.

Scott earned her stripes as a highly successful manager at Google and then decamped to Apple, where she developed a class on optimal management. She has earned growing fame in recent years with her vital new approach to effective management, the “radical candor” method.


Honing our Capacity to Navigate in the Labyrinth of  
Multi-Generational Complexity

©  Dr. Carolin Rekar Munro & Mike Thompson FCMC, and CMC Today

One of the preeminent challenges we, as management consultants, grapple with is working in multi-generational workplaces. With five generations working alongside each other – Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z - we have witnessed not only a unique synergy of gifts and talents, but also a spike in workplace conflicts. Offered in this article are some pragmatic tools you can apply to navigate the richness and complexity of communication in multi-generational workplaces.  


© 2018 Doug Macnamara, CMC and CMC Today

Are you challenged by constant firefighting? Do you find that no matter how much you study and analyze challenges and options, you are still behind where you want to be? Are you having a tough time getting your head up to be strategic, because all your focus is on tactical/survival initiatives? Are your people losing motivation, and initiative?

These are the challenges that can be effectively addressed by what we call Network Leadership.
Network Leadership is systems-thinking leadership taken to the next level. It is far beyond traditional inward looking and autocratic management.


Feature YOUR Knowledge/Experience in a CMC Today Article!

Calling all CMC's and leading-edge consulting practicioners!

Will you take up the challenge?



Caught in the Action!


Milan Italy 2018

2018 ICMCI Annual Meeting of Delegates + 
6Th International CMC Conference
October 16-19, 2018
Milan, Italy

Plans are underway for the hosting of the 6th CMC International Conference & Annual Meeting of Delegates in Milan, Italy on October 16-19 2018, under the theme:

How creative thinking and disruptive innovation shape our future

The conference aims at providing answers to the following key questions: 
• To what extent the unprecedented innovations we are facing are impacting our business and our lives? 
• How this affects Management Consulting industry? 
• Do they require specific approaches for our clients? 
• How should we add value at social and economic level?




IMC Share Zone



Fall 2017 Issue of Consult – A Publication of CMC-Canada

Check out the latest issue of Consult, CMC-Canada's online publication, featuring in-depth analyses by members on the topics management consultants need to understand, including technology, leadership, marketing, strategy, project management, and much more.  



15th Austrian IT and Consultant Day 2017 

Smart Future – And now? How human is artificial intelligence? 
Information, YouTube & web links from the recent Austrian conference.

UN Sustainable Development Initiative Update

The latest information on the various initiatives underway on the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.


ICMCI Committee Reports

ICMCI Meeting with EBRD SME Finance & Development Group


Sorin Caian, Kim Karme, and Reema Nasser met with Nadia Petkova and Natalia Makova in London on 6 December 2017. 


February 1-2, 2018
ICMCI Board Face-to-Face Meeting. 
Vienna, Austria

Academic Fellow Award 2018 - Call for Nominations
Deadline for receipt of nominations is 14 March, 2018
April 23-24, 2018
Asia-Pacific Hub Meeting
The Role of Innovative Management in Sustainable Development
Tehran, Iran

May 31 - June 1, 2018
Euro Hub Meeting – Details TBD
Kiev, Ukraine

Constantinus International Award 2018
Binding commitment from the IMCs between January 1 and July 1 2018
The application period ends on July 15, 2018
October 16-19, 2018
ICMCI Annual Meeting of Delegates and 6th International CMC Conference  
How creative thinking and disruptive innovation shape our future
Milan, Italy


2017 CMC Today Publishing Schedule & Themes


Please submit articles, photos, business exchange requests, etc., addressing the theme of each issue, by the 10th day of the first of the two Publishing Months to:

Click HERE to get a copy of the CMC Today Article Criteria. Failure to submit your article according to these criteria may cause your article to be rejected.

Quick Quiz

Based upon some of the videos and articles from this issue, here are some key questions to get you thinking about you HR practices as a consultant with your clients, or in your own organization….  

Q1 - As an HR Professional/Consultant how would you rank these areas below from 1st to last as far as providing high value HR services to the company/client?

a) Stakeholders we serve both inside and outside the company.
b) Context – Social, Technological, Economic, Political, Demographic etc.
c) HR Focus – Individual talent.
d) How does HR best add value to the organization?
e) Organizational design and culture (innovation, collaboration, efficiency, etc.).

Q2 -In working effectively across multi-generational workforce groups, which of these areas do you practice regularly?

Video Blog

Here are some top videos in the field of Human Resources as reference and referral for CMC’s:

10 Best Practice HR Tips - The HR landscape is changing, and human resource best practices need to be adhered to so that the organization can achieve its goals year-after-year. From a safe and happy workplace, to 360-degree performance management systems -- what are the key attributes that define HR success?

The Future of HR Dr David Urlich. THIS is a terrific video! One of the leading thinkers about HR, Dr. Dave Ulrich is talking about what is required of HR to be a source of value in the future. This is important, now fundamental stuff for CMC’s to know and understand.

HR Will be Dead by 2020 - Vineet Nayar & Richard Rekhy. From an Indian perspective, what is changing around us that is completely changing the nature of HR as we know it.

The (uncomfortable) Truth of HR and Leadership DevelopmentPatrick Vermeren, TEDx From a European point of view and his experience at major Belgian banks, and more…Alarmed by the nonsensical ideas of Transactional Analysis, Patrick Vermeren set out on a mission to reveal the truth about the many HR theories, models and questionnaires. The academic literature revealed that most HR practices (in recruitment, assessment, development, coaching…) are very problematic and some even dangerous. In this talk, valid alternatives are presented.

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