ICMCI has been trying over the past years to increase its communication with the UN to further establish its positioning as a UN NGO Consultative Status entity. We have re-established the connection last year, are providing our quadrennial reports on time, contributing to the SDGs with extra material, and want to enhance this even further in the future.
To this extent, the board of ICMCI approved assigning a representative to the UN, support from our IMC in the USA was sought for them to assist in naming a candidate that has the knowledge and capability to carry this mission on our behalf.
IMC USA were successful in identifying a volunteer that was also approved by our board of Directors, namely Mr. Nitin Kumar, a CMC from IMC USA. To know more about Nitin, please visit his profile at the following link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikumar
Kim Karme and Reema Nasser met with Nitin in Washington, established the relationship, and are now in the process of planning for the coming year, Nitin will be working closely with the ICMCI Secretary and ED to assure full collaboration and proper reporting.
It is our pleasure to announce Nitin to you all as the official representative of ICMCI to the UN, and would like herewith to thank IMC USA’s Don Matheson for his efforts and support.
Thank you for joining me in welcoming Nitin to our ICMCI network.
With kind regards, yours sincerely,
International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
Sorin Caian, CMC
Subject: UN NGO Consultative Status- GREAT MILESTONE
Nitin accept my appreciation for your availability to handle this task on the behalf of our prestigious global body.
My take is for you to gather all relevant imperatives for a clear working planning to run with.
ICMCI need to guide UN into according our relevance in the schemes of their socioeconomic projects, programmes and other endeavors.
We need to synthesise and fast track our initiatives.
Tue, 02/21/2017 - 12:06