Dear Colleagues in ICMCI,
CMC-Global (ICMCI) would like to announce the Constantinus International Award 2016 Kick-off for nominations! As after a successful Constantinus International Award 2015, it’s now time to prepare for the award in 2016.
1. Background & Supplementary Documents
In 2015, the award was bestowed during the ICMCI Congress in Noordwijk, Netherlands. For further information on the submitted projects as well as the winners, please click here. A photo gallery as well as a report on the award ceremony may be found here.
In 2016, CMC-Global is dedicated to raise the number of participating countries and the number of submitted projects. Many talks took place with many of the IMCs and we trust you will do your utmost to support our initiative, and hope to welcome projects from your country to the next Constantinus International Award and related ceremony.
We would like to invite your Institute to submit outstanding consulting projects from your members to the Constantinus International Award. Attached please find the concept of this award. Additionally you may find some Information for the ceremony, the jury, FAQs, a sample press release as well as a sample certificate. These documents should be helpful for you in order to get an impression on what the nominated projects should/could look like and how they will be judged. Furthermore we are happy to send you a timeline for the procedures concerning the award to help to understand the framework of this project.
2. National Marketing Initiatives
We kindly ask you to also promote this award with marketing measures in your country (e.g. national press releases, national events for nominees, selection of sponsors/partners and recognized jury members). Supplementary information can be found in the sponsoring one pager as well as in the Information Award Ceremony. Moreover we also ask you to link to your Institute's website.
3. The Process
In order to facilitate the decision making process, we would like to summarize the most important aspects of the award:
The first step in order to get the award started would be a binding commitment from your Institute by April 15, 2016 via email to with a cc to , which is accompanied by accepting a charge of € 1.000,00 excl. VAT to cover the costs for the adaptation of the application tool and the jury tool, the maintenance of the website as well as a small marketing initiative. Invoice will be sent by the Constninus Award office directly to the participating IMC.
Subsequently, all participating Institutes have the opportunity to name 3 national nominations by April 15, 2016 (outstanding management consulting projects that have been chosen by a national jury or have won a national award).
From April 15 to June 12, 2016 the nominees can submit their applications online. They will be provided with individual login credentials by Constantinus Club after registering on The language for application will be English.
Each participating Institute has to name two jury members. The members of the jury will also be able to do their evaluation online via a registration with individual login credentials. The time period to name these jury members until June 4, 2016. The jury will evaluate the projects from June 24 to July 31, 2016.
Finally the award ceremony will take place October 2016 at the CMC-Global (ICMCI) International Conference in Torronto, Canada. Attending nominees will have to be registered by their participating IMC to attend the award ceremony through the online registration conference website that will be announced during April.
We hope with this short summary, we have outlined the main aspects of the Constantinus International Award and we are looking forward to your responses. For any further information please don’t hesitate to contact Carina Froehlich, Constantinus Club ( or Reema Nasser, ICMCI (