ICMCI Webinar: IMC Best Practices During COVID-19
Dear IMCs, Further to our Chair’s announcement of yesterday, and our new initiative of holding weekly webinars to our IMCs, CMCs, and MCs, kindly find below the first webinar details to include the registraion links (a requirement) for the two sessions as follows: Session One: 07:00 UTC - registration at: https://bit.ly/3a9ltyw Session Two: 15:00...
CMC-Global: Face-Face Board meeting - Introductory meeting and election of officers
1 hour new Board introductory meeting and election of officers after the annual meeting of delegates (Caribbean events from October 15-18, 2019)
CICMC announces registration to the 7th CMC International Conference and Annual Meeting of Delegates
The Caribbean Institute of Certified Management Consultants Gears up to Host CMC-Global’s Upcoming International Conference and Annual Meeting of Delegates in Nassau, Bahamas (October 15-18)! The Caribbean Institute of Certified Management Consultants is glad to announce that early bird registration to the 7th CMC International Conference and Annual Meeting of...
CMC-Global: Board meeting - Additional 3 hour Board web meeting to approve AGM documents
CMC-Global: Board meeting - AGM prep planning, preliminary budget discussion
CMC-Global: Web Conference Board meeting
CMC-Global: Face-Face Board meeting during Asia Pacific Hub meeting in Tokyo, Japan
It is possible to hold face-to-face meeting afternoon time Tuesday of May, 28
2019 ICMCI Asia Pacific Hub Meeting
2019 ICMCI Asia Pacific Hub Meeting Invitation All Japan Federation of Management Organizations is pleased to announce the 2019 Asia Pacific Hub Meeting to be held in Tokyo between 27 and 28 May, 2019. You can view the promotional video at the following link: https://www.cmc-global.org/content/2019-icmci-asia-pacific-hub-meeting Welcome...
ISO 20700 Self-Declaration Checklist Train the Trainer, Bucharest
Consulting According to ISO20700 trained by ICMCI Registration open till Friday March 29, 2019. Limited seats (only 15), reservation is on first come first serve basis. In order to provide practical and hands on support for management consultants in demonstrating their work according to the ISO 20700, CMC-Global (ICMCI) has developed a...
Euro-Hub 2019 Bucharest, Romania
The time for our EURO Hub Meeting for 2019 has arrived, this was announced in Milan and now we include the full details of the event along with the registration form. Our Euro Hub meeting this year will take place in Bucharest- Romania with a very exciting agenda. The Euro Hub meeting will start on the afternoon of the 11th April, 2019. Also, and as per the...