• ICMCI Webinar: Transformational Leadership


  • ICMCI Webinar: Winning New Clients

    Wednesday June 23 @ 14:30 UTC - registration at: https://bit.ly/3fYZG1C Registration is a Requirement This is a kind request for IMCs to share with their members! For more details about Michael Hirt please visit  https://www.therainmaker.at/english/references/about-dr.-michael-hirt/ .

  • Euro Hub 2021 - Agenda

        Please register at:  https://bit.ly/3fRwnOo  

  • The International Consultants Day Agenda

      Please register at:  Session One  at 7:00 UTC https://bit.ly/3yOdOmR   Session Two at 16:00 UTC https://bit.ly/2R87mWN 

  • ICMCI Webinar: The power of intervision

    Thursday May 27 @ 14:00 UTC - registration at: https://bit.ly/3aLgneW Registration is a Requirement This is a kind request for IMCs to share with their members! Monique Bellersen is a management consultant CMC® and active in the field of intervision: developing new methods, giving (in company) training and workshops, doing research and...

  • ICMCI Asia Pacific Hub Meeting - 2021

      To know more about our Speakers, click HERE. For Registraion, you can click above or click HERE.  

  • ICMCI Americas Hub Meeting - 2021

  • Principles of Transformation

    Wednesday April 21st @ 14:00 UTC - registration at: https://bit.ly/2PQpovB Registration is a Requirement This is a kind request for IMCs to share with their members! Christian Rangen is a global advisor to companies, management teams and governments on strategy and transformation. He is also faculty at multiple business schools where he teaches strategy and...

  • ICMCI Webinar: How to Look Professional as a Remote Consultant

    Wednesday March 31th @ 14:00 UTC - registration at: http://bit.ly/2P2IBKh Registration is a Requirement This is a kind request for IMCs to share with their members! Patrick Downes is CEO of the Institute of Management Consultants in Ireland. Prior to that he served at C Suite levels across a number of organisations. Recognised as an expert in Remote Working and...

  • ICMCI Webinar: Helping your clients implement their projects

      Helping your clients implement their projects with greater buy-in, speed, & effectiveness Wednesday March 17th @ 14:00 UTC - registration at: http://bit.ly/3t4Yq1J Registration is a Requirement This is a kind request for IMCs to share with their members! Kim Ades is the President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™ and...
