The Chair Update May 2019


Update May 2019
The public minutes of our last Board meeting, held in April have now been posted. The link can be found on the ICMCI web site HERE. Watch for the official notice coming from your Board liaison. We were fortunate that all but two of the Directors were present in Bucharest for the EuroHub meetings, so we took the opportunity for a face-to-face meeting. Please feel free to reach out to your liaison if you have any questions.

I have also created a short 7 minute video of this update, which is available at the end of this page for viewing.

EuroHub a Success
The EuroHub meeting was a great success. It was a pleasure to meet with colleagues from the Europe Region and to discuss a number of things. We had the opportunity to share information in a number of areas. Some highlights

  • CRI. A European version of the Consulting Readiness Index (CRI) was presented. The CRI is a means of helping to determine the degree to which a countries management consulting sector has been developed. This can be a great vehicle for our profession for outreach. Watch for the full version coming soon.
  • ISO 20700. We received an update on this, and had good discussions about how IMC’s can get more involved in using this ISO-guideline to help raise the level of management consulting, and increase the visibility of our profession. Participants also heard about a new initiative exploring accreditation of firms to offer the training in-house under an agreement with ICMCI, and sharing revenue with IMC’s.
  • CMC-firm. We received an excellent update on the progress of the CMC firm, and there were very good discussions about how IMC’s can leverage this product. Find out more HERE
  • The CMC-Directory is about to be launched. This program has been long in the making. Because of the many logistical and technical difficulties of ensuring that such a program can add benefit for management consultants. Watch for an announcement soon.

In addition, we had excellent presentations on PR for professional organizations, presentation on the economic situation in Romania, and an overview of the change process undertaken by IMC- Switzerland (ASCO). Check out the presentation materials from the EuroHub HERE

We also had a working group session on the ICMCI strategy. We presented the draft strategy and had delegates prioritize the most important strategic initiatives from each of their perspectives.

Strategy Development

In February I sent you a link to our draft strategy. We are now well under way with the consultation process. We have feedback from EuroHub. We will be seeking feedback from the Asia-Pacific and Americas Hubs. 

In addition, we are seeking the input from each individual IMC

The current version of the plan (2019-2022) can be downloaded at the following link. We need your help. Please review each of the three strategic goals and the strategic initiates below them.

From the list of the strategic initiatives, please rank the top 3 that you feel we should be focusing on. 

The link to plan is:

Please provide your feedback before the end of May. We do not have the resources to do everything we would like to do, so it is really important that we understand the priorities from the perspective of the IMCs.  

Please make the time to review it and provide feedback to Reema Nasser, our Executive Director at

As I have offered previously, I would be very happy to virtually attend a suitable event hosted by you in order to address our strategy, and to receive your feedback. Please keep this in mind as you plan your events. In any case, do get back to me with your thoughts.

Please feel free to be in touch with me at any time. My email is By leveraging our global network, consultants can work together to contribute to a better future for the industry globally, and better results for clients and society.

Collaboration is key… please keep in touch.