The Certified Management Consultant (CMC) qualification can be awarded only by national professional bodies, usually an institute of management consultants, which are full members of the ICMCI. (A list of current full members of the ICMCI is shown here). These bodies are regularly assessed by the ICMCI to ensure that they and their CMC assessment processes meet defined standards.
The standards are available here. They have been updated in 2019 so as to comply with the relevant ISO and other standards.
Post-nominal initials
Consultants who have been awarded the CMC can put these initials after their name. In some countries, the ICMCI member institute may use the designations FIMC to signify a Fellow of that Institute of Management Consultants. The initials FCMC therefore designate a Certified Management Consultant who is also a Fellow of his or her institute.
CMC Emeritus
ICMCI member institutes are allowed to authorise the CMCs of their institute who cease professional activity (whether by moving into another field of activity or by retirement) to continue to use the designation “CMC emeritus” after their names. The requirements for this are shown in the Certification Scheme Manual.
Benefits of becoming a CMC
The CMC logo
The CMC pin
Number of CMC members