As part of its mission to promote and maintain professional standards internationally in management consultancy, ICMCI undertakes a triennial assessment or audit of the CMC standard of members institutes against the ICMCI CMC standard. Successful completion of this process is also a requirement before provisional members can become full members of ICMCI.
ICMCI respects the legitimacy of varying approaches to the professional standard for management consultancy across its member institutes, depending on valid cultural and historical differences. However, a common core professional standard is essential in order to reflect the best international practice, to assure common understanding across all members of ICMCI, to assure consistency in the award of CMC, and to provide a firm basis for reciprocal recognition of the international CMC qualification across all members.
The ICMCI CMC standard represents this core, international professional standard. The assessment of member institutes’ CMC standards is made against this ICMCI core standard. The purpose of the assessment is to assure compliance with that standard, for all the reasons stated above; and it is equally also to actively share the best international practice, and to help institutes to develop and improve their professional standards and processes.
Assessment Program
ICMCI conducts assessments of prospective and member institutes to help them prepare for and maintain their international status as a member of ICMCI. The purpose is to guide institutes in their role as certifiers of management consultants.
These assessments are intended to be constructive, and an institute that has passed an ICMCI assessment or has made changes to comply with assessment recommendations may rightfully hold itself out to the public as meeting an international standard of professionalism; and their members can be equally proud of their certification as CMCs.
Types of assessments
There are three types of assessments, reviews or quality assurance sessions:
- Pre-admission check (Provisional Membership)
- Original Certification check (Full Membership)
- Renewed Certification check (Triennial Assessments)