Only National Institutes of Management Consultants can apply for ICMCI membership.
Full Membership
To become full member the institute:
- must be a legal entity and has been in existence for four years or more
- must be the recognized national professional organization for independent management consultants
- must be formally committed to maintaining the highest professional standards among its members
- must have a formal certification/registration process meeting ICMCI’s minimum standards
- must have a Code of Professional Conduct meeting ICMCI’s minimum standards
- must have a governing council or committee prepared and empowered to affirm on behalf of its members support for the aims and objectives of ICMCI and agreement in principle to such international standards (definitions, codes, guidelines, etc) as may be agreed upon from time to time by the ICMCI
- All correspondence and documentation concerning ICMCI must be in English, the official language of the ICMCI.
Provisional Membership
Admission as a Provisional Member of ICMCI is open to the organized entity of any country which intends to be the recognized national professional institute for individual management consultants, and:
- is formally committed to maintaining the highest professional standards among its members
- subscribes to the minimum Code of Professional Conduct of ICMCI and has installed this Code pending development of its own Code
- intends to develop a formal certification/registration process
- has a governing Council or Committee prepared and empowered to affirm on behalf of its members support for the aims and objectives of ICMCI and to accept in principle such international standards (definitions, codes, guidelines, etc.) as may be agreed upon from time to time by the ICMCI
Update and Re-accreditation
Members of ICMCI will:
- Update the content of their Membership Profile in the Website annually at the time of Membership renewal. Submit interim participant and contact changes as they occur.
- Undergo a mandatory re-assessment process every three years from the commencement of their initial membership.
Provisional Restrictions
Provisional Members are subject to the following restrictions:
- A Provisional Member is a non-voting member
- By its first anniversary as a Provisional Member, the organization must have its own Code of Professional Conduct consistent with ICMCI standards
- By its second anniversary as a Provisional Member, the organization must have a formal certification/registration process consistent with ICMCI standards
- A Provisional Member may retain its provisional status for not more than two years at which time it must qualify for regular membership or be dropped altogether from the ICMCI rolls; except that a Provisional Member which has not been in legal existence for four years at the end of two years may retain its status until it has been in existence for four years
- Acceptance of Provisional Member status is subject to the above conditions, and may be validated by the Chairman of ICMCI and one member of the Membership Committee.
Observer Status Affiliates
This Observer policy applies to all organizations which are active within the professional and management consultant ecosystem and have an interest in contributing to the management consulting profession at national, regional, and international levels. The Observer status also provides an opportunity for ICMCI to continue the relationships with professional members which have exited from ICMCI membership.
To know more about the Criteria for Eligibility, the Process of Admission, and Requirements please read the full Observer Policy.