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Institute Name: Institute of Management Consultants USA 

Date of Foundation: 1968 

Date of  ICMCI Membership: 1970

Type of Membership: Full Member

Vision: IMC USA is THE community of professional consultants who define excellence and advance ethics for the management consulting profession.

Mission: The mission of the Institute of Management Consultants USA is to promote excellence and ethics in management consulting through certification, education and professional resources.

Main Goals: To be the predominant resource for solo practitioners and small firm management consultants.


Tel: 800-793-4992 


Visiting Address: 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025 - Washington, DC 20006.

Head Staff Person: Gregory Brooks, Executive Director  

Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Gregory Brooks, Secretary

Chair: Angela Dingle, CMC®️  


  • Andre Vacarro, CMC®️