ICMCI held its virtual Annual CMC International Conference on 13 October 2022 hosted by the UNIDO. The conference titled "Sustainability: More Than the Next Megatrend in Consulting" had four sessions covering the following subjects: 1. Impact of ESGs on Businesses: ESG practices from the manufacturing sectors in the developing countries presented by Yan, Jinjiang from UNIDO. 2. The ESG Global Consultancy Survey: first presentation of results presented by Gergana Mantarkova, CMC. 3. Embedding sustainability into your consultancy practice presented by Jeremy Webster, CMC. 4. Opportunities and Challenges: A deep dive into the digital transformation of management consulting presented by Christopher Harper, CMC. 

Conference sessions videos:

This year’s Gold medal goes to Amistra from Canada. Their project to rebrand and rebuild nine municipalities after the 2030 coal shutdown in Canada for client South Saskatchewan Ready aims at helping regional leaders in restructuring the local economy. The first of two silver medals goes to Claudio Cocchi from Italy. The goal of the project for client Advanced Microwave Engineering srl is to mitigate the risk of accidents between moving vehicles and operators in logistic environments and productions sites. The second silver medal goes to Topduty Management Consulting Co., Ltd. from China for creating a corporate and cost management culture that is aligned with their client’s, FAW-Volkswagen Automobile Co., Ltd., 2025 strategy

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