This Month’s quick quiz is based on Leadership & Management Topic and the various articles in this month’s issue of CMC Today

Q1 – Which of the following is the biggest contributor for low employee engagement?

a.    Silos – Lack of Collaboration
b.    Poor Communication
c.    Poor Managerial Leadership
d.    Lack of Accountability
e.    Conflict in workplace.

For more insight on the answer to this question – please read our feature article this month from Dwight W. Mihalicz on Employee Engagement Solutions that Work.
Answer Hint:
It’s not (e) ….  Or (a); Though both these are de-engaging elements!

Q2 – If you are a start-up organization, which of the many business Modelling approaches a consultant can bring to the table is most likely to make a positive difference?

  1. The 4 P’s of Marketing
  3. Business Model Canvas/Value Proposition Canvas
  4. Visioning
  5. Industry/Product Analysis.

Sylvia Pavlova has been working and surveying the impact of various business model application with over 100 start-up organizations. Her results surprised me, and may surprise you too… check out her article on Business Modelling in this issue. Maybe we can discuss your experiences too in our Facebook and/or LinkedIn groups!

Q3 – What can SME Consultants do just as well as Deloitte to engage client executives and be seen as thought leaders? 

  1. Publish regular articles
  2. Publish regular BLOGs
  3. Create Podcasts/ Videos
  4. Speak at Association Conferences
  5. Release White Papers

Check out the CMC Toolkit Section and look at the article Deloitte Consulting’s Strategies on Thought Leadership, Engaging Execs.  

Q4 – What are you doing as a consultant to produce excellent thought-leadership content?

  1. Publishing regular articles
  2. Publishing regular BLOGs
  3. Creating Podcasts/ Videos
  4. Speaking at Association Conferences
  5. Releasing White Papers.

Well, if Q 3 didn’t get you thinking, this question should underline the importance of being seen to be a thought leader by clients/potential clients! Leadership in consulting is about showing you have expertise, are a forward thinker and have wisdom, processes, insight to add value to your clients’ worlds.

Check out the video section and particularly Want to Become a Consultant? You've Got to Produce Great Thought-Leadership Content! Not surprisingly, this video reinforces the Deloitte article findings.

Q5 – How “Authentic” are you as a Consultant? 

  1. I practice what I preach
  2. I have significant experience and learning that I can now share w clients
  3. I have a passion for what I consult in and have done much study, research, investigation into the area(s)
  4. I understand the takeaways from my experience and study/research – and am effective at teaching and/or writing articles on these areas of expertise.
  5. I am quietly competent, confident in my application to unique client situations and looking to make an impact with my endeavours.

Probably my favourite piece of this month’s Newsletter is the video The Value of Silence by Erika Kleestorfer. Check it out, listen and think carefully. Enjoyl