Kim Karme CMC©, CEO of Karme Consulting
How to turn Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) goals into actions took centre stage in an online discussion 20 September 2022 when ICMCI brought together representatives of ESG frontrunner companies to share experience and ideas on making it all happen. The participants included Ari Koli CMC, Sustainability Engineer at Nitor, Tapani Varjas, Partner at Juuri Partners, and Tuomas Salusjärvi, EVP, Growth Businesses and R&D at Valio. The conversation was moderated by Kim Karme CMC, CEO of Karme Consulting. The event was part of the Future of Management Consultancy Initiative.
Kim Karme directed the discussion under the overarching theme of focusing on what is real and doable in the ESG context.
Talking about turning ESG goals into actions is critical because idealism is good but reality is even better for the society. After the pandemic, it has become clear that everyone is heading towards new times with sustainability being at the core of all actions.
At the same time, thinking about sustainability could take on an idealistic nuance whereas, in reality, companies need to take action now. In this sense, sustainability should generate revenues and not be a cost. Thus, companies need to earn in order to be able to work towards their goals. Money is the fuel of a company and not its target.
As an overall conclusion, no matter in what sector a company works, the sustainability principles offer opportunities for business to achieve sustainable wealth in the company. Trying to achieve sustainable wealth is the new world order.
In this regard, the sustainability principles chart a good path. As companies are different, the path needs to be tailored and it requires innovation, open-mind work and recognition. Consultants are capable of helping companies along the way while they also need knowledge and experience. As the sustainability questions are very new, both companies and consultants are on a learning journey. Consultants should “walk the talk” and make it easier to understand the cases and the problems clients run into
For more from Kim Karme CMC©, please check out this video
For more highlights of the event, please visit the ICMCI YouTube channel
About Kim Karme CMC©
Kim Karme CMC® is currently CEO of Karme Consulting. He has been working as a business advisor since 1991. He has a strong background in design thinking, productivity improvement, and supply chain management and his portfolio covers operations restructuring, productivity improvement, supply chain management, and competitiveness improvement. He has advised multi-national companies on direct investments and cross-border trade. Furthermore, he is a lecturer in management consulting at several universities and institutes. He was the Chair of the Finnish Management Consultants Association for five years and is a past member of the Board at the UN NGO International Council of Management Consultants..
About the Future of Management Consultancy
Combining a series of events, discussions and publications, the ICMCI Future of Management Consultancy initiative strives to promote the global conversation about the future of the profession towards developing a common vision to help and inspire consultants all over the world.
Designed as an “open source” and inclusive platform, the Future of Management Consultancy is an opportunity to seek answers to pressing questions and to encourage interactive communication and joint idea generation.