International Management Consultants Day 2021
Greetings to my management consulting colleagues around the world!
Today it is my pleasure to bring you greetings as we celebrate International Management Consultants Day 2021.
This is an amazing event on the first Thursday of June each year where ICMCI celebrates the global profession of management consulting. It is an opportunity for all of us as management consultants from around to celebrate our global network through ICMCI and the profession of management consulting.
We have a lot to celebrate this year.
We are pleased to launch the update of the national Consulting index the NCI, 2021, which is looking at the Consulting profession globally. Through this amazing tool we can understand when the country is at a threshold to support consulting as a profession, so we can start recruiting management consultants to join our Global Network through CMC Global Institute, and eventually to support the establishment of an Institute.
Secondly, we are increasing our focus on the Future of Consulting. This is something that has been of great interest to us as a profession – as it is to any profession - in terms of thinking about how we as a will evolve and ensure that we are meeting the continuing needs of management consultants and our client organizations.
This past year of 2020 was quite a blow to our client organizations, and Consultants around the world, because of its unexpectedness, and because of the degree of change that resulted. So it is very reinforcing for us as management Consultants to think about the future of the profession.
And to think about how we can serve our clients even better in the face of the increasing pace change, the resulting turbulence, and the disruption we know is coming.
The third great initiative I want to mention is that the ICMCI Professional Standards Committee has been working diligently on our competency framework for the management consulting profession.
We expect this will be approved at our annual meeting in October 2021, which will enhance the standard for management consulting around the world to ensure that we continue to be best practices. The competency framework also lays the groundwork for the CMC certification - the only recognized Global certification of management Consultants. So I'm really excited to see and hear about this Improvement which we hope will be approved at the 2021 Annual meeting in October.
Thanks to all the excellent work that is helping us to advance the profession in keeping with our vision:
To be the leader in the development of management consulting as a profession that drives social and economic success.
Please do join me in celebrating with us on this very important day – International Management Consultants Day – June 3, 2021.
Dwight W Mihalicz, CMC
Chair, ICMCI