Dear Colleagues,
International consultant’s day is celebrated on the first Thursday of June each year - In 2019 this is Thursday, June 06.
And I use the word celebrate with purpose.
It is a time for us to celebrate.
We are a global profession, some 60,000 strong, with over 8,000 of us accredited as Certified Management Consultants – THE global standard in management consulting that shows our dedication to consulting as a profession.
With 50 Institutes covering over 60 countries, and our Global Institute providing virtual services everywhere else in the world, this is truly a global profession.
With our common body of knowledge, and our code of conduct and ethics, we have reciprocity of our CMC certification everywhere in the world. That alone is something to celebrate.
In addition we have breakthrough programs, such as our CMC-Firm initiative, our Global Directory for CMCs, the global rollout of ISO 20700, an updated Accreditation program for management consulting courses soon to roll out, and collaboration programs that link all of our institutes to each other. These are the hallmarks of a thriving profession.
If you are a consultant that is not a member of an institute… get on board. Find out how at
To those of you that are part of the family – Congratulations, and let’s take a moment to celebrate our profession, and the good work we do as (to quote our strategic vison):
a leader in the development of management consulting
as a profession that drives social and economic success