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Institute Name: Institute of Management Consultants Hong Kong 
Date of Foundation: 22 October 2000 
Date of ICMCI Membership: 2000
Type of Membership: Full Member
Vision: The vision of the IMCHK is to bring forth a new level of recognition by our clients for the profession so that members of our Institute are preferred over others and demanded by clients at all times.
Mission: IMCHK wants to:
  •  Be the voice of the Management Consultants' profession locally with the community and internationally with other IMC member organizations
  • Convert an 'avocation' into a 'profession' by:
    • Develop/update a body of knowledge
    • Develop/update a competency model for certification of individuals/firms, to have a common denominator worldwide for management consultants
    • Orchestrate ongoing development of management consultants and interaction/exchange of ideas and skills locally and globally
    • Specify a code of conduct with a worldwide common denominator
Main Goals:
  • Running training courses based on the Management Consulting Training Toolkit (MCTT)
  • Increasing the number of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses by ourselves and through teaming up with other professional bodies
  • Encouraging internal consultants to join IMCHK and providing for their professional needs as well as for external consultants
  • Developing the consulting market further through promoting more opportunities in Hong Kong and China
  • Creating and transferring know-how among professionals
Tel: +852 8490 4058
Visiting Address: Room 1905, 19th Floor, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong 
Head Staff Person: Philip Wai, VP
Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Eric Lo, CMC
Chair: Daniel Y M Chan 
Delegate: Daniel Chan