On May 31, 2016, the Institute of Management Consultants, Nigeria (IMC-Nigeria) organized a One-Day Roundtable Discussion/CMC Certification Seminar at the Sinoni Chinese Restaurant, Abuja, Nigeria, The Seminar, well attended by seasoned and aspiring Management Consultants, was declared open, on behalf of the Institute’s President, Prof Mark Addison Wokocha, who was inadvertently absent, by the Institute’s Director-General, Prof David Iornem. Barr John I Ogbu and Dr Gabriel A Gundu served as Technical Facilitators. Furthermore, the Seminar was structured into two key sessions: Syndicate Discussions and Report Presentation, and Award of Certificates.
At the Syndicate Discussions and Report Presentation Session, participants were divided into two syndicates. Each syndicate was assigned three of the under-listed thematic areas for brainstorming and report presentation. The Syndicate Reports were reviewed and adopted by participants at the wrap-up stanza of the Session. The purpose this Session was to facilitate participants’ broadened and deepened operational understanding of the challenges in the designated thematic areas towards collectively proffering practicable solutions.
The designated thematic areas are:
i. Benchmarking for Management Consultants
ii. The ICMCI.
iii. Consultants Competency Model.
iv. Benefits of the CMC Certification Scheme.
v. How to Set the Fee.
vi. Consulting Strategies in Austerity Times.
The Award of Certificates Session witnessed the presentation of the following Certificates to participants:
i. Certified Management Consultant (CMC), a one-year practicing licence of CMC style and appellation, was awarded, under the authorization of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), to those participants found to have attained 35 Credit Hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPDP), and have met the CMC’s International Standards Registration Requirements;
ii. Certificate of Fellowship, was awarded, under the authority of the Board of Trustees and the Governing Council of IMC-Nigeria, to those participants recognised for outstanding academic and professional standing, and also for demonstrated commitment to creating, maintaining, extending and promoting the highest world standards of management consulting practice, ethics, competence and client service;
iii. Certificate of Membership of IMC-Nigeria, was presented, under the authority of the Board of Trustees and the Governing Council of IMC-Nigeria, to the eligible participants aspiring to become Management Consultants.
It needs to be stressed that IMC-Nigeria regularly organizes this series of Seminars pursuant to fulfilling its Mission of creating, maintaining and extending the highest standards of consulting practice in Nigeria and abroad.
The process of actualising this noble Mission is driven by a cluster of ten (10) Objectives, to wit:
i. Bringing together those professionals who offer consultancy services in the field of management sciences and related disciplines;
ii. Improving standards of professional performance;
iii. Encouraging training and development of Nigerian Consultants;
iv. Providing opportunities for dialogue;
v. Increasing understanding of consultancy’s true role in both business and government;
vi. Providing opportunities for consultants to improve their technical and consulting skills through specialized training and career development programs;
vii. Gaining public recognition for the Institute’s certification and enhancing the reputation of management consulting as a profession;
viii. Assuring the public that holders of the CMC practicing licence possess the ethical standards and the required professional competence and independence;
ix. Helping to ensure standards which will engender public confidence in the management consulting profession; and
x. Collaborating with local and international institutions for the promotion of standards in consultancy practice, manpower training and management research.
These Objectives are achievable through strict compliance with standards of membership entry qualifications and the promotion of members’ strict adherence to the Institute’s Code of Professional Conduct.