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Institute Name: IMC-Chinese Taipei

Date of Foundation: November 30, 1987

Date of ICMCI Membership: 2005

Type of Membership: Full Member

Vision: BMCA will be worldwide recognized as the professional consultant organization that accomplished the balance between individual and public success of the business.


  • Expand our markets. IMC-Chinese Taipei will operate under the attitude of 「Harmony and Serving」. We will function with each others’ abundant resources and expand the influence of this platform to mainland China and the world.
  • Expand CMC-Chinese Taipei, We would like to double the number of members in this period and connect the consultants with the world.

Main Goals:

  • To improve efficiency
  • To improve employee training
  • To capture a breakthrough market share


Tel: +886 2 2771 8621


Visiting Address: 350401 Center for Creativity and Innovation Studies, NO.64,Sec.2,ZhiNan Rd.,Wenshan District,Taipei City 11605,Taiwan (R.O.C), Republic of China

Head Staff Person: CHANG , SHENG -JU, Executive Director

Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Hsing Hui Huang, Secretariat

Chair of IMC Board: Sam Yang

Delegate: Sam Yang