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Institute Name: IdU Institut der Unternehmensberater Powered by BDU Servicegesellschaft für Unternehmensberater mbH 

Date of Foundation: 01.04.2013 (Successor of Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater BDU e.V., founded 1954 

Date of ICMCI Membership: 1997

Type of Membership: Full Member


Mission: The Institute is working close to the German Management Consulting Association. The main task is the certification of Management Consultants in Germany.

Main Goals:


Tel: +49 (0)228 9161-0 


Visiting Address: Joseph-Schumpeter-Allee 29, 53229 Bonn 

Head Staff Person: Nicole Ridder, Director

Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Tekla Altmann, Secretary

Chair of IMC Board: Klaus Christopherr  

Delegate: Nicole Ridder