ICMCI/CMC-Global Launches New Website!

With this new issue of CMC Today, CMC-Global also launches Phase 1 of its new website, along with consistency of brand image around CMC-Global.

The new website will release content over 3 stages:
Stage 1 – Core information, ICMCI Committee platforms, key protected-area resources
Stage 2 – Full & historical information, plus Members/Delegates protected- area resources
Stage 3 – Case Studies & Example profiles of CMC’s in Action, Full Social Media integration, 
                 and individual IMC micro-sites using the ICMCI platform.

Member, Committee & Delegate Passwords
In order to unlock the potential of the new site and access all relevant information and resources; IMC Administrators and Delegates, plus ICMCI Committee members will need to be issued with new passwords for the site. Your old passwords will not work for the new protected sections.

The ICMCI Secretariat will be working with IMC’s in the coming weeks to ensure the appropriate people are issued new passwords. ICMCI Committee members who are current/active will be sent their password shortly. IMC’s are requested to assemble an updated/current list of people that require such passwords and send this to the secretariat as soon as possible:

  • Administration staff
  • Delegate(s)

Mike Koopmans and his team at the Secretariat can be contacted at: icmci@icmci.org

Explore the new site for yourself!
http://www.cmc-global.com or www.icmci.org 

Check out the new elements and resources for yourself!

  • Interactive Global Map – see the information for each IMC in the world
  • Our major designations – CMC, ACP, Academic Fellows, CMC-Firm and Accredited Management Consulting Course – their new branding look and information, with digital brochures and IMC kits being added in coming weeks 
  • New Who We Are – updated with new terminology related to our change in governance approaches
  • Services and reference information
  • Dynamic Events and Announcement sections – updated regularly with upcoming event and initiative information
  • IMC Execs & Delegates – you will have your own space – pw-protected with access to voting processes, meeting agendas, past presentations, branding logo files, and more. Governance Board and Committees – with social media platforms and reference sections to both communicate more effectively with your team members and also access relevant materials, presentations, and reference material. 

Committee Chairs – Please Get your Social Media Platform Operational

  • Each Committee will be given a separate section to store/share documents, post meeting agendas/minutes. We will also work with you to set-up a private discussion group with “push” emails to notify group members when postings are done – using LinkedIn. Committee Chairs will need to work with use to set-up these spaces over the coming weeks.

Feedback always appreciated!
As you will all appreciate, developing the new website and its resources has consumed thousands of hours of volunteer, ICMCI staff and website consultant work. And, though we have been trying to think of everything, cross-links and pieces of information that our IMC Members, Delegates and public visitors might want to find on our site; we may have missed some things!
Contact us with your feedback: cmctoday@icmci.org