ICMCI Euro Hub 2022
June 28th 2022

*Registration link: Zoom

ICMCI would like to announce its 2022 Euro Hub that will cover topics related to accreditation, standards, and Hub countries opportunities and challenges. The Hub meeting is targeted towards the European Country IMCs, their Delegates, Directors, and Executives.

“Profound changes in society, labor environment and lifestyle have occurred in the last two years. Return to normal is taking place today in a new global order whose contours are still shaping. In this changing context, management consultancy must assume a double role: that of "reaction", to deal with the situation that has arisen and that of "prevention", to anticipate the effects of the new scenario.

Consequently, specialized competences are increasingly in demand, and at the same time, it is necessary to develop a broad systemic vision, leveraging the values that can inspire sustainable changes.

The European Region is at the center of a great transformation, in which significant challenges are faced with as many opportunities for growth and improvement. These are the main issues that will be addressed in the ICMCI Euro Hub Meeting 2022. An opportunity for discussion and proposition regarding the recognition of the figure of the management consultant and the role of the national IMCs that represent its professional category towards the stakeholders.
Don't miss this appointment!"

Cesara Pasini, CMC® ICMCI Euro Hub Chair

Time UTC Item Speaker
9:00  Introduction and Welcome Cesara Pasini CMC©, Chair of ICMCI Euro Hub
Keynote Speakers

The accreditation and conformity assessment scenario -
The role of IAF today and tomorrow

Emanuele Riva, Chair of IAF – International Accreditation Forum
9:30 The future of professions Anna Rita Fioroni, Chair of Confcommercio Professioni, former Senator of the Italian Republic
9:50 Competences: European and ICMCI Perspectives Celal Seckin CMC©, Chair of ICMCI Professional Standards Committee
Hub Business & Discussions
10:10 ICMCI Board Update and Discussion Robert Bodenstein CMC©, Chair of ICMCI;  Facilitated Presentation
11:00 - Lunch Break
11:30 Discussion on challenges faced by the IMCs and their members, and opportunities that can address these challenges Cesara Pasini CMC©, Chair of ICMCI Euro Hub;  Facilitated Discussion
13:15 Summary and Conclusions with agreement on next steps Cesara Pasini CMC©, Chair of ICMCI Euro Hub

* Registration is a requirement. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 09:00 to 13:30