Supercultural—How Technology Made Cultural Agility Essential

Discussions about the application of new technologies in management, leadership and consulting usually focus either on the contribution of remote work, automation, machine learning or artificial intelligence to higher levels of efficiency, or on the radical changes that these advanced tools cause in the world of work. They seldom include how fundamental human values, behaviours and traditions enter the world of technology as people migrate there to interact, communicate and collaborate. And yet, people change futuristic technologies as much as tech changes people’s lives.

In ‘Supercultural—How technology made cultural agility essential’, intercultural leadership consultant & CMC (Beijing, 2008) Gabor Holch illustrates how the future of human collaboration empowered by advanced technology makes intercultural agility more, not less important.

Most importantly, Gabor presents best practices and practical suggestions for how us, humans, can better adapt ourselves, our teams, clients and business partners for an inevitable future.

This keynote has relevance to:
• Ethics in consulting
• Future trends/impact/opportunities
• The effect of AI on our profession