Editor’s Note CMC Today, ICMCI e-news
Welcome to CMC Today Newsletter, May/June 2020 edition. I trust you are all well and safe. This edition theme celebrates our achievements and our contributions as a global community.
May 2020 marked the 33rd anniversary of ICMCI since it was established in 1987. This is the 2020 3rd edition of our CMC Today and comes with a special focus on International Consultants Day. We were one of the 300 million virtual meeting/celebration that Zoom platform is having per day, and we are very thankful and happy that we received 300 thank you acknowledgments from IMCs through virtual webinars.
Covid-19 has changed the way we celebrate. Zoom reunion provided an emotional (and virtual) connection with IMCs during the ICD, EuroHub and virtual sessions and webinars and we are very thankful to all those that found time to be part of these sessions. Without your active participation, we would not have been able to get together and get connected.
We launched the ICMCI National Consulting Index - Global Report, which provides insights into our markets, the trends, and growth possibilities, and provides our Institutes with the support they need for planning and advocacy. ICMCI also launched the online training for the ISO 20700 Checklist Self-Declaration training.
In times like the one we are going through; digital tools and social media channels are key factors for successful communication and promotion. Thus, we decided to distribute the e-news not on a quarterly basis, but on a monthly basis, so that we are closer to our IMCs and their members.
In order for ICMCI e-news to be successful, we need to populate it with very good and reliable articles, columns, case studies, CMCs best practices on any field or industry, videos, books, and consulting tools so that our readers can benefit from this type of communication. Also, for every edition, we will be focusing on our International Award, the Constantinus, in order to showcase our CMCs achievements and successes.
In order to be successful with our plan, it is of utmost importance that we have your support, therefore, we are kindly asking for your assistance to share with us anything that you see relevant and that can help us reach our mutual goals, while also promoting your members worldwide.
ICMCI continues to be the leading international body for consultancy and will thrive to be a supporter for the new era of Consultants. We will continue to collaborate strongly for our global profession in the new normal.
Jehona Lluka, CMC
ICMCI Board Member | CMC Today -Editor | ICMCI Marketing Committee Member
Email: jehona.lluka@cmc-global.org cmctoday@cmc-global.org