APCO Launches the October Events Website
Dear Porfessionals,
We are glad to announce that early bird registration to the 6th CMC International Conference and Annual Meeting of Delegates 2018 is now open through the dedicated website available at the following address: www.cmcglobalmilan2018.it.
The CMC International Conference will take place on 18 -19 October in Milan – Italy - Corso Venezia 47 in Palazzo Castiglioni, the Conference Center of the Union of Commerce of Milan, a masterpiece of the European Liberty style which is located in the heart of the city. The CMC-Global Annual Meeting of Delegates will take place on 16 -17 October in Palazzo Bovara – the venue of the historical Circle of Commerce in neoclassical style which is located in Corso Venezia 51, just a few steps from the Conference venue.
International Constantinus Award will be held on 18 October evening, followed by the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of APCO, the Italian Professional Association of Management Consultants which is organizing the events.
On the website you can find information regarding the agenda, hotels, partner program, venue, travel info, and post conference tour.
Join us to share ideas and experiences on one of the utmost challenges for management consulting now and tomorrow: “Making a sustainable world” leveraging on creative thinking, digital revolution and friendly & disruptive innovation!
CMC-Global Chair Sorin Caian and APCO Chair Cesara Pasini are looking forward to meeting you in Milan!