Institute Name: CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI)
Date of Foundation: 2013
Date of ICMCI Membership: 2014
Type of Membership: Full Member
Vision: The CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI) was created in 2013 by CMC-Global to provide the opportunity for professional management consultants residing in countries where national Institutes of Management Consulting (IMCs) do not exist, to join its global network.
CMC-Global Institute (CMC-GI) is a virtual institute for professional management consultants who would like to pursue the CMC designation as members of CMC-GI. Membership in CMC-GI is not available to individuals who are resident in a country with an existing CMC-Global-recognized IMC.
Our role is to encourage the development of a global network of professional management consultants, and to support the attainment of CMC designation in countries where national IMC’s do not exist. In order to achieve this, we facilitate and process member application to CMC-GI and provide member services to our global network. Once there is a critical mass of CMC-GI members in any one country, they can apply to become an IMC.
Mission: The CMC-GI mission is:
- To elevate the standards of management consulting in countries that are not served by CMC-Global member institutes, and to provide the international community with the confidence that these standards, combined with our certification process, will ensure that certified management consultants serve their clients with world-class competency and professionalism.
- To support the creation and development of national professional management consulting institutes throughout the world.
- To encourage information sharing, and networking between management consultants adhering to the CMC-GI Code of Conduct.
Main Goals:
- To provide opportunity for engagement and collaboration among professional management consultants in countries where a national IMC (Institute of Management Consulting) does not exist.
- To provide access to a wide range of services, including:
- professional association with other like-minded professionals;
- access to professional development activities;
- access to publications of interest to management consultants;
- access to virtual resources and training;
- the ability to apply for and earn the CMC designation with full global reciprocity.
- To support the development of IMC’s in countries where one does not exist.
Visiting Address: CMC-Global Institute c/o Maurer & Stager AG, Fraumünsterstrasse 17/Postfach 318 - CH – 8024 Zurich
Head Staff Person: Tamara Abdel-Jaber - CMC, Chairperson
Secretariat or Key Staff Name: Khuzaima Zaghlawan, Secretariat
Chair: Otto Acuna, CMC
Delegate: Otto Acuna