Dear Colleagues,
Happy New Year! It is my pleasure to welcome you to 2021 and wish you health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021. If you prefer to review this report in video form, you can do so here.
It has been some time since my last update, which was at our virtual Annual Meeting of Delegates held in October 2020. Thanks for all the great feedback on the successful virtual meeting. Of course, it was unfortunate we could not see each other in person. On the positive side, we were able to host more delegates and more guests from more Institutes because of the ease of a virtual connection.
All the written reports are available on the ICMCI web site. Click here to access them – there is a treasure of information here documenting all of the excellent work of our volunteers around the world. This work results in an amazing array of services to Institutes in support of the growth and strengthening of our profession.
In particular, be sure you have a copy of the 2020-2021 Annual Report, which is a great resource to support Outreach or for orientation purposes.
In addition, the reports of your Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs are all available in one place.
Your ICMCI Board is now preparing for its annual strategy session. We would normally have a two-day face-to-face meeting to do this work. This year we are preparing discussion papers in advance of our session and will have a one-day virtual session to culminate our discussions.
We will discuss and affirm our Vision and Mission and our three strategic goals:
The Profession: 1. Building the profile, recognition and influence of the profession and its practitioners globally, to ensure that management consultants serve their clients with world-class competency and professionalism.
Our Institutes: 2. Supporting, enhancing, and growing the international network of management consulting institutes, as well as encouraging information sharing, networking, and reciprocity between institutes.
Outreach: 3. Enabling IMCs to enhance the visibility, recognition, and desirability of Certification as international benchmarks.
Our main work, though, will be to refine and enhance our strategic initiatives. Now is the time, in 2021, to think creatively and outside of the box. We have seen how quickly things can change on a global level. Our profession is unquestionably facing disruption, and we must ask ourselves the hard questions:
- How do we, as a profession, position ourselves with clients,
- What is the value proposition we must offer to maintain existing members and to attract new members?
- How do we organize ourselves to deliver services to our members and support them in achieving and maintaining successful practices?
Please be in touch if you have any thoughts or questions for me as your ICMCI Board as we prepare to update our global strategy. You can download our current strategy here.
Virtual Conferences
My inability to visit you in person is unfortunate. But again, the silver lining, I have been able to attend many of your events virtually. It has been a real pleasure to attend your events and to bring greetings from ICMCI, or to address topics of interest to your members.
It is part of my mandate to be in touch with you. I would be very happy to virtually attend a suitable event hosted by you in order to address our strategy or any specific programs of interest to your Institute. Please keep this in mind as you plan your events. Don’t worry about time zones – I am happy to set my alarm to accommodate your schedule and your members.
Online Seminar Series
The online panels and seminars will be continuing in 2021 under the able stewardship of Reema Nasser, our Executive Director. The 2020 series was a great way for CMCs and members from around the world to come together to share best practices and to learn from each other.
This is exactly what our global movement is all about and I am looking forward to continuing this important initiative.
And remember, all the content is available on our YouTube channel: ICMCI Official Videos here. This is an excellent resource for all of us.
ICMCI 2020 Onwards Task Force
Last year we launched the ICMCI 2020 Onwards Task Force.
For our success as a global profession, we must grow. We must welcome into our professional family many more of the management consultants that are practicing, and those that are now beginning to practice.
The Task Force has nearly finished the discovery phase. They have focused on virtual interviews of Institutes so we can learn with respect to membership: about your current situation, things that you have tried that have worked, things that may not have been as successful, and what you expect from ICMCI to support you. I have attended as many of these sessions as possible, and the insights have been amazing.
The Discovery phase will be finished by the end of February, and the analysis and development of conclusions and recommendations will begin immediately thereafter.
Let’s Stay in Touch
Please feel free to be in touch with me at any time. My email is By leveraging our global network, consultants can work together to contribute to a better future for the industry globally, and better results for clients and society.
Collaboration is key… please keep in touch.