Call for Papers: 6th CMC International Conference, Milan Italy 2018
Dear Professionals,
In order to allow exchange of ideas and practices among IMCs, CMCs, Management Consultants who are professionals in our field, a call for papers is launched in order to collect high quality, innovative and vanguard experiences for both panels of the 6th CMC International Conference which will take place on 18th October in the afternoon. The conference theme “Making a sustainable world – Creative Thinking, Digital Revolution, Friendly & Disruptive Innovation” will be debated along with the following topics:
- Panel One - Best Practices now and tomorrow in Education & Training
Theme: how we are teaching sustainability – the influence of creative thinking, digital revolution, friendly and disruptive innovation.
- Panel Two - Best Practices now and tomorrow in Companies and Consulting
Theme: how we are implementing sustainability through creative thinking, digital revolution, friendly and disruptive innovation.
Those who are interested in submitting a paper can write to the Scientific Committee of the conference at the following email address, providing the following information:
- Name of the Training/Consulting body, name of the Client Organization;
- Short description of the work conducted;
- Why should this work be considered a best practice either in Training or in Consulting with respect to the central topic of “making a sustainable world”;
- Who should the organizers' contact to gather further details, in case the work is considered of interest.
Paper submission is open till 30 June 2018. Selected papers will be communicated by 31 July 2018.