The Annual Meeting of Delegates 2020 - official date announcement

Dear Delegates,

I am pleased to confirm that the 2020 annual meeting of delegates will take place on Wednesday 14th October this year.  

Because of the continued disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held virtually.  There will be two on-line meetings during the day which will allow delegates from all time zones to participate.

We will publish all the usual documentation (Board report, committee reports, accounts, etc.) two weeks before the meeting so you have a good opportunity to read and prepare any questions that you would like to ask.   To support the written documentation, we will also be producing short video presentations delivered by Board members.

The arrangements for the on-line meetings will be announced shortly and you will be invited to register to participate.  We hope that by holding the meeting virtually, most delegates will have the opportunity to attend.

I will write to you again in the coming weeks with more information.

Best Regards,

Jeremy Webster, CMC®

Secretary, International Council of Management Consulting Institutes