This month’s quick quiz addresses the themes of External Relations & Marketing.
Q1. Which of the following components of a Communications/Marketing Audit have you done for your business lately?
- Product (or service or program) Assessment – talking with your customers about how they benefit from your products/services, why they buy from you rather than someone else.
- Place/Distribution Channel – have you tried buying your own using your buying access mechanisms?
- Pricing Analysis – how does your pricing stack-up against other competitors? What discounts do you use? What are your late payment and collections experiences?;
- Promotion & Messaging – consistency, relevancy & ability to deliver on promise;
Check-out this months Feature article on Would You Buy from You? for more insights around this question
Q2. Are you Customer-centric? What would your Top 20 clients say about this??
Again, Check-out this month’s feature article on Would You Buy from You? for more insights around this question
Q3. What kinds of things do you engage in to observe your customer needs/interests?
- Focus Groups
- Going out into the marketplace to observe behaviours, shopping habits, related purchasing or activities?
- Assertion or testing of new ideas with customers & potential customers
- Empathy and understanding of consumer dreams & psychographic thinking
- Looking for/understanding customer “problems” they are trying to solve.
Have a look at the video THIS is Marketing
Q4. What are the evolving interests, policy shifts and/or regulatory imperatives of the government entities in your operating jurisdiction(s) and how do YOU influence Government currently?
Read the Article The Application of TSA Social Value Model for Medical System
View the video of David Cameron on The Next Age of Government
Q5. What elements of External Relations/PR do you have functioning well in your business/consulting practice today? What areas need strengthening?
- Telling your Story to the Community at large/Community Relations
- Customer Relations & Services
- Employee/Union Relations
- Media presence – positive – promotional recognition, quotations on issues, articles/advertising.
- Government Relations & Influence
For more information of the value of external relations & PR see the video What is PR?
For a great example/story on re-creating excellent Customer Relations look at the video How I Stole Great Customer Service – With Pride!