This month’s quick quiz addresses the themes of Governance and Boards of Directors.

Q1 – Which of the following elements of good governance are practiced by your Board?

  1. independence of mind combined with working together with others;
  2. robust debate combined with civility;
  3. diversity harnessed by inclusivity and respect;
  4.  transparency combined with trust;
  5. enjoys the fullest expression of the know-how and character of every board member.

Check-out this months Feature article on Boards and Governance for more insights around this question.

Q2 – How much money does it cost to operate your Board annually, and how do you know if  your Board provides a similar amount of added value back to the organization?

Check-out this month’s feature article on Return on Governance - ROG for more insights on this question

Q3 – Which of these Board Dysfunctions does your Board exhibit? 

  1. People who think they know how parliamentary rules of order works – and they don’t!
  2. Improper use of motions or points of order.
  3. People who don’t think time-limits of speaking don’t apply to them.
  4. Individuals who use “points of order” to debate others.

Have a look at the video How to prevent Dysfunctional Meetings.

Q4 – Does your Board embrace Foresight exploration or Generative Dialogue of Futures Issues that may affect your organization? Which of the following has your Board explored lately?

  1. The impact of AI on your organization?
  2. The shift from internal combustions engines to electric/battery engines?
  3. How DNA testing and knowledge of genome might affect the work of your organization?
  4. Autonomous driving vehicles and your organization?

View the video of Jeff De Cagna on Governance Foresight. 

Q5 – Which of the following does your Board have in place? 

  1. Board & Committee Annual Calendar (Identifying what the Board and Management must address at each meeting throughout the year – in synch with the business cycle.)
  2. Board meeting Agendas that START with Foresight/Generative or Strategic Governance exploration.
  3. Annual Board & Committee Goals.
  4. The Board is “out, ahead of Management” vs reactive and led by CEO.
  5. Board members use products/services of the organization they govern.

For more information of the value of Boards doing these things, read this month’s article on Return on Governance – ROG.