In February it was my honor and pleasure to Chair the first face-to-face meeting of the Board of Directors during my term. We had a two-day meeting in Amman, Jordan, well hosted by our Executive Director, Reema Nasser, and our Executive Support Khuzaima Zaghlawan. In addition to our regular business, we focused on discussions about the strategy of ICMCI in order to focus our precious resources on the largest payoff for the advancement of professional management consulting.
We reaffirmed our strategic vision:
ICMCI will be a leader in the development of
management consulting as a profession that drives social and economic success.
In addition, we simplified our Mission Statement – the business we are in – to:
Building the profile, recognition and influence of the profession and its practitioners globally.
We will be preparing the complete strategy, together with our three strategic goals and our strategic priorities and KPIs. As your Board, we are accountable through the Delegates to IMCs to deliver against this strategy. Any feedback you have will be most welcome.
We do foresee some challenges. Consulting has grown into a vast industry, measuring over $250 billion, with an average annual growth of 4.3%. But we are not immune to the disruption that many industries are facing. On the one hand, client expectations, and the way in which they engage with consultants is changing. On the other hand, those management consultants who are newly entering into the profession may not value membership in institutes, and certification, in the same way as they have in the past.
This could be a threat for us, but if we do our homework, we can get ahead of the curve, and actually use this changing environment to our advantage. We have a unique added value, in that we are a global network of management consultants – over 50,000 strong! The large firms replicate this to some extent, but the diversity, range of services, and enthusiasm of our network are unrivaled.
By leveraging our global network, consultants can work together to put together projects and specialized expertise. Together, we can contribute to a better future for the industry, and better results for clients and society.
I am very interested in hearing from management consultants who are subscribers to this newsletter. Please comment on the ICMCI LinkedIn page and we can get an interactive discussion going.
Collaboration is key… please reach out.
Dwight W. Mihalicz, MBA FCMC
Board Chair, ICMCI